Comenzamos como un proyecto patrimonial liderado por usuarios y financiado por el Heritage Lottery Fund con el objetivo de documentar el legado cultural del mercado latinoamericano en Seven Sisters, Pueblito Paisa.

Debido a la inminente remodelación del sitio, era urgente preservar los recuerdos y la historia de este notable espacio para las familias y la comunidad latinoamericana.

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, increased conflict between stakeholders and its subsequent closure, we were unable to continue working in this market.


Participate in a unique project that will capture the past and present, leaving a cultural legacy for future generations.

We are pooling our diverse skills,  knowledge and lived experiences in the UK but do not cover all areas of expertise.  We we welcome contributions from all members of our community. Every little helps! 

Comenzamos como un proyecto patrimonial liderado por usuarios y financiado por el Heritage Lottery Fund con el objetivo de documentar el legado cultural del mercado latinoamericano en Seven Sisters, Pueblito Paisa.

Debido a la inminente remodelación del sitio, era urgente preservar los recuerdos y la historia de este notable espacio para las familias y la comunidad latinoamericana.

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, increased conflict between stakeholders and its subsequent closure, we were unable to continue working in this market.


We are an independent, non partisan, not for profit initiative to support the Latin American Community in the UK and to promote our cultural heritage. Our inclusive content platform is run by volunteers, and some content is crowd-sourced by members of the community.

Research & Campaigns

We are currently researching  the following topics: 

*Specific needs of  Latin American families in the UK.

*The cultural identity of second generation Latinxs in the UK. 

*The recognition of Spanish as the most desired language to be taught in schools and the promotion of teaching Spanish as a career. 

Please fill our online survey here 

Our ‘Community Hub’ also gives visibility to the relevant research, campaigns and support available from other organisations. We participate in SLAN (Southwark Latin American Network) and are especially concerned with the lack of recognition and representation of our community.

Protección de nuestro patrimonio cultural

We promote and protect our cultural heritage by …   

Hosting and updating a crowdsourced calendar where artists can upload their upcoming events directly from our website


Anyone can add their events in the relevant section of the calendar. Latin Hub may edit the copy for consistency if needed or  remove content that is considered inappropriate. 


Hosting and contributing content to our ‘Hub’  which gathers the very  valuable (and dispersed) initiatives led by Latin Americans in the UK. 

Unlike the crowdsourced calendar, in The Hub we intend to publish ‘evergreen content’ that goes beyond  what’s happening now to enrich our cultural legacy for many generations to come.

We are diverse in our opinions and interests. We want to remain inclusive and provide an independent platform for promotion and expression avoiding hyperbole and respecting each other.

The aim is to give visibility to all LatAm organisations, artists and independent businesses featuring remarkable individuals, stories of resilience and our many contributions to the UK. 

The hub

is divided into many sections of interest. Of particular relevance to our heritage work are:


Arts, Languages and Books: celebrates the diversity of our cultural heritage by promoting Latin American art in the UK. We also curate art from Latin America, contextualising it, for a deeper understanding of our diverse cultural expressions. 

Nuestros paises takes us back to LatAm. We blogs about places, events, icons, food, among others. We curating the best that our countries have to offer. The aim is to strengthen our ties with our home countries and to promote our countries as destinations for all UK visitors. 

Niños y jóvenes: focuses on these demographics which are key to preserving our future heritage. We produce and share content that is age appropriate including the animation of traditional stories for children and mapping opportunities for children to learn Spanish in creative environments as well as more traditional forms of learning. 

Everyone is welcome to contribute content about any topic of their interest, including independent LatAm business and professionals wanting to promote their products and services. 

Creating hybrid online/off-line Exhibitions

Because art can be a great communicator, we developed 'Nuestras Historias' exhibitions. 

We recorded stories narrated by Latin traders in London and provided the audio files to Latin artists who recreated the main ideas in their paintings. Below each painting we include a synopsis of the story that inspired the artist, contextualised by the wider challenges that the Latin American community faces related to each story. We also signpost to organisations where members of the community can seek support for a wider range of issues, from domestic violence to work exploitation. 

By creating a permanent online exhibition and off-line mobile exhibitions to be displayed at LatAm events across the UK.

Our past exhibitions include Southwark Heritage Centre and La Placita Mall but we are open to collaborate with organisations in other parts of the UK. 

Promote businesses, traders and professionals

Hosting and updating a crowdsourced calendar where businesses, traders and professionals can upload their upcoming events directly from our website. 


Anyone can simply click on the plus sign on the calendar and add their event in the relevant section of the calendar.


Hosting and contributing content to our ‘Hub’  also offers a free platform for self promotion.   

The hub is divided into many sections of interest. Of particular relevance to independent business, traders and professionals a re: 

Food, Drinks & Markets all initiatives related to traders. So far we have published interactive maps with curated Latin food venues and markets and we are looking to expand our mapping into other industries.

Professionals & Businesses focuses on opportunities to learn, hire professional services and network amongst other people in your industry. 

Training & Advice

LatAm immigrants are well-educated with almost 51% having attained tertiary level/university education, higher than the London average where 34% hold higher level qualifications. However, a quarter of workers work in low-paid jobs and are overqualified for their roles. We face legal and language barriers, among others, that have prevented us from working in our chosen profession. Consequently some ‘end up’ as traders as a last resort to secure their livelihoods and avoid exploitative working conditions mostly in the hospitality and cleaning industries. However, the last few years have been particularly challenging for traders. 

Free & Certified Training 

In our ‘Hub’ we have a professionals and business section where we offer free and accredited online training and professional advise for those considering a particular career or trade but do not know where to start.  Users can enhance their skills to secure employment or to generate alternative income with online sales, to mitigate the impact of lock-down and market closures.

All training is in English and Spanish and independently certified by CPD.  We promote the Spanish language in educational institutions as well as funded opportunities to train as Spanish teachers.   

 E-courses will be available by April 2022 and they will cover the following areas:

Business planning and access to finance: the fundamentals of business planning, designing and presenting your business model, legal structures,  market research and managing finances for non-financial people.  Funding your idea and accessing other business support. 

Digital marketing:  planning and executing your strategy, creating your  website and social media channels, tactics to increase traffic to your website; E-commerce; Customer service, email marketing and CRM; Social media optimisation (SMO) and content marketing?

Digital skills:  GDPR compliance and minimising data breach risks. Digital skills  for working remotely, CRMs, online events, data visualisation and much more.  Online safeguarding. Focus on digital marketing.

Social entrepreneurship: Understanding social enterprises and the UK landscape, identifying specific opportunities for the sector (social procurement and investment) and proving your social or environmental impact. Social enterprises and community-based marketing.

Oral history (available): oral history theory and practice, collection and recording of oral histories, capturing and archiving heritage, understanding memory, user-led research methods, learning to use video and audio, transcript to script, interview techniques and other qualitative research methods, archiving, campaigning and social policy.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive training updates here. 


We are a volunteer-led initiative committed to supporting initiatives from other Latin organisations for recognition and to other issues concerning our community in the UK.  We are members of SLAN  (Southwark Latin American Network),  a wide range of charities working to improve the quality of life of Latin residents in Southwark.  

In the ’Our Community’ section of our hub where we aim to gather all the support available including front line organisations, campaigns, research, sports, networks, etc. 

We also aim to strengthen our cultural, economic and social links with our home countries by promoting dialogue and cooperation with our diplomatic representations. The  ‘Experience Our Countries’ section of our hub highlights  destinations, events, icons, festivals and much more with the aim of promoting our countries as destinations for all UK visitors.   

We are currently seeking to explore promotional partnerships with other LatAm charities in the UK. For more information please contact Romina at


Participate in a unique project that will capture the past and present, leaving a cultural legacy for future generations.

We are pooling our diverse skills,  knowledge and lived experiences in the UK but do not cover all areas of expertise.  We we welcome contributions from all members of our community. Every little helps! 







¡Únete a nosotros!

We are a small team on a mission to create a legacy website that promotes our heritage and helps our community.


Romina lopez

Romina lopez

Project manager and community outreach

Romina Lopez es nuestra gerente de comunicaciones y alcance comunitario. Tiene una amplia experiencia tanto en el gobierno como en el tercer sector. Comenzó su carrera trabajando para organizaciones intergubernamentales como el parlamento de la UE y la Organización de Estados Americanos. También ha trabajado para ONG como Stamp Out Poverty y Progressio, lo que demuestra su compromiso con el cambio social y el desarrollo internacional. Romina tiene una licenciatura en Asuntos Internacionales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y una maestría en ONGs y Desarrollo de la LSE. Ella es una comercializadora digital certificada, una hablante nativa de español y habla inglés y portugués con fluidez.

Marina Ravicini

Marina Ravicini

Sustainable businesses

Marina joined LatinHubUK and brought a deep understanding of cultural interaction and adaptation. She first studied Anthropology focusing on aesthetics and social expression as part of cultural sensitivity, identity, originality and transformation. Having lived in different places, she found London diversity and chaos intriguingly reassuring. She embarked in interdisciplinary design studies at the University of London, focusing on social and environmental concerns. She has worked in NGOs such as Architecture for Humanity and CSR, such as Sustainable Cities Initiative by Siemens.

Anny Cordero

Anny Cordero

Artist & Lawyer

I studied law in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where I graduated as a lawyer. Subsequently, I studied a master's degree in Legal Argumentation in Alicante, Spain. I decided to turn my life around and I came to live in London a year ago. Today, I am exploring other alternatives to my career as a lawyer. I really enjoy drawing and painting. ch has led.My motivation to be a volunteer at LatinhubUK was born from the need I felt when I migrated to establish contact with the Latin community in the United Kingdom, to obtain information about the process of adaptation and establishment in this country, because like everyone else, we went through a phase of disorientation. of arriving in a new place with a different culture and lifestyle. Looking for projects that work with the Latino community, I found LatinhubUK and became interested in their approach to promoting the cultural heritage of this community. I am interested in participating to join efforts to strengthen the community and offer my support in the activities they develop to fulfil their goals.

Luciana torrents

Luciana torrents


Hello! I am Luciana Torrents. I emigrated from Argentina to Spain at the age of 19 and since then, 16 years ago, I have lived in Europe. I have a law degree from the University of Barcelona, ​​and I am specialized both in foreigners and immigration as well as in Labor and Social Security Law. My profession and knowledge give me the opportunity to help people defend their rights, dignity, integrity and happiness. As a migrant woman, I understand first-hand how difficult it is to arrive in a new country and start from scratch. Start a new life in another society, in which everything is new. With different customs, language and idiosyncrasies. That is why I believe that in this integration process it is very positive to have the support of family, friends, acquaintances, organizations, etc., who help us fully develop in this new stage. This is the fundamental reason that drives me to actively collaborate as a volunteer in LatinHubUK. And I have the fervent conviction that if we unite strength, passion, enthusiasm and dreams, it is possible to achieve everything we set out to do, including feeling "at home" being thousands of kilometers from the country where we were born.

Eva del Rio

Eva del Rio

International Relations

Soy Eva del Río, una madrileña española de 23 años. Actualmente estoy basado en Londres, donde he estado viviendo, estudiando y trabajando durante más de un año. Soy un apasionado del desarrollo internacional, el humanitarismo y la política y me licencié en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, hice mi Erasmus en Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de la Sorbona de París, y recientemente terminé mi Máster en Desarrollo Internacional y Emergencias Humanitarias en Londres. Facultad de Economía. He trabajado como becario en el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España, como Consultor Graduado para el ACNUR y actualmente estoy terminando una pasantía en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. También he trabajado a tiempo parcial en hostelería durante más de un año. Como mujer española que vive en Londres, me gustaría usar parte de mi tiempo libre para ayudar a otras personas a establecerse en esta ciudad y crear un sentido de comunidad porque sé lo difícil que puede ser mudarse aquí. Durante mi tiempo libre, también disfruto viajar, leer y dibujar.

María Renedo

María Renedo

Languages teacher and consultant

Soy una recién graduada con una licenciatura en Estudios Ingleses y un máster en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera para estudiantes de secundaria. Tengo un gran interés en los campos de la educación, la traducción y la comunicación. Al convertirme en voluntario en LatinHubUK, me gustaría ser parte de una comunidad internacional que me permita expandirme, crecer en las áreas personal e intelectual y mejorar mi conjunto de habilidades mientras disfruto de los desafíos y obtengo la sensación de calidez al ayudar y dar. Además, un servicio de voluntariado puede ayudarme a ampliar mis horizontes culturales, aprender nuevas formas de abordar los problemas existentes, nuevas formas de ver el mundo y ponerme en contacto con nuevos idiomas.

Borja Costa

Borja Costa


¡Hola! Mi nombre es Borja, soy un licenciado en comercio internacional español de 27 años. Desde niño he desarrollado un creciente interés por las diferentes culturas e idiomas del mundo. Creo que este interés genuino me empujó a pensar continuamente fuera de la caja y me ayudó a desarrollar una gran empatía y tolerancia por lo que es diferente. Tengo muchas ganas de viajar, conocer gente nueva y debatir nuevas ideas. Decidí hacer este voluntariado con Latin Hub porque actualmente estoy buscando proyectos que me interesan a nivel personal y además, tengo una conexión especial con la comunidad latinoamericana.

Arelys Goncalves

Arelys Goncalves


Hi! I am a Venezuelan journalist with experience in written press, radio production and media dedicated to migrant communities both in her country of origin and in London. In Venezuela I worked for the main newspaper for the Portuguese community (Correio da Venezuela) and in the United Kingdom she was for several years at the head of Express News, a medium dedicated to the Spanish-speaking community. In addition to my preparation as a journalist, I have a Master's Degree in Translation (English-Spanish) from the University of Westminster. Currently, I am seeking to continue strengthening my community work, gain experience in the field of translation and learn from the performance of charitable organisations that work for Latinos and Spanish speakers.

Cristina Martinez

Cristina Martinez


Hi there! I am a Venezuelan girl in London. I am passionate about performing arts and audiovisual arts, as a way to explore human thinking and create common spaces to share without judgement. I believe that culture spreads through food and music. I am a volunteer because I eager to create deep and meaningful connections with people.

Deseo Noriega

Deseo Noriega


Desire es psicóloga con una maestría en psicología política de la Queen's University de Belfast. Es una investigadora y gestora de proyectos altamente cualificada con más de 5 años de experiencia trabajando con varios think tanks y ONG tanto en el Reino Unido como en el extranjero. Experto en análisis de datos, utilizando métodos de investigación cualitativos y cuantitativos. Desiree ha combinado su conocimiento multidisciplinario para diseñar, desarrollar y gestionar proyectos locales y paneuropeos al mismo tiempo que crea e influye en la política global, regional y nacional.

Graciela Martín

Graciela Martín

Fashion stylist & consultant

Periodista, estilista de moda y consultora especializada en estrategias creativas de marketing para marcas de moda y lujo. Actualmente colaborador de Mercados Latinoamericanos para The Business of Fashion. Graciela nació en Caracas, Venezuela. Se graduó con distinción en el London College of Fashion Master of Fashion Journalism, y se formó con el estilista y director de moda de The Love Magazine, Panos Yiapanis, y en publicaciones como The Gentlewoman y The Business of Fashion.

Eilish Newmark

Eilish Newmark

Hi, I'm Eilish. I am from London and have just finished my degree in Spanish and Philology at the University of Edinburgh. I am very interested in the Hispanic language, translation and Latin American cinema. I am very happy to be part of this project to learn more about the Latin American community in the UK and how we can preserve it.

Alberto Nin

Alberto Nin

Alcance comunitario

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Alberto Nin y estoy emocionado de unirme al Proyecto Latin Hub. Mi experiencia es en ciencias políticas y negocios. Nací y crecí en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde estuve expuesto a una multitud de religiones y culturas. A través de esta experiencia, he aprendido a apreciar y desarrollar una pasión por trabajar con personas que pueden no tener el mismo origen que yo. Espero contribuir a la declaración de misión y visión de LatinHubUk.

Jose Guariglia

Jose Guariglia

Journalism and PR

Journalist, PR consultant and TV writer-producer from Venezuela/Italy. A firm believer in free speech and justice for all, I have covered topics that affect developing nations like human rights abuses, multiculturalism and immigration reform. At Latin Hub, I will be able to reconnect with my Latin roots and cover everything related to cultural expressions of the thriving Latin Community in London.

Bilkis Begum

Bilkis Begum

Diseño y desarrollo web

¡Hola! Soy Bilkis y actualmente estoy estudiando BA en Diseño de Experiencia de Usuario en la UAL. Bilkis ha diseñado y desarrollado nuestra página 'Acerca de nosotros' y estamos muy agradecidos. ¡Gracias!

Tomasz Barbarewicz

Tomasz Barbarewicz

Spanish translator

No respeto a las personas que solo respetan el dinero ... Sueño que algún día maneje mi propia pequeña empresa detalles en funciones

Marta Roncero

Marta Roncero

Web designer (free lance)

Soy un diseñador y desarrollador con sede en Londres centrado en la innovación social y la narración que trabaja en la intersección de la creatividad, la tecnología y el diseño.

Angelines Yakin

Angelines Yakin

Valeria Destefano

Valeria Destefano

Cecilia Rearte

Cecilia Rearte

Julia Bosh

Julia Bosh

Florencia Aoun

Florencia Aoun