Carpa brasileña en Carnavalito

We are so happy to have a record number of Brazilian participants in the Carnival this year including Paraiso School of Samba, Street Food Brazil, Sabia Duvida, Canto dos Mafagafos and Mae Zona.  Join our brazilian tent for bilingual storytelling, samba workshops, singing and games!  Full programme of Carnavalito aquí

See you this Sunday 20th of August at 11 am. Burguess park. FREE ENTRY AND ACTIVITIES!



All Brazilian delights you have been craving. You can read the menu here . 

Also they sponsored a £50 prize for the football competition! Obrigado!


Canto dos Mafagafos and Sabia Duvida Portuguese as a Heritage Language School: Family fun activities at Carnavalito, within Carnaval del Pueblo

Join us for a day filled with joy and culture in the heart of London as we dive into the colors, rhythms, and traditions of the carnival! This special program has been carefully crafted to provide unforgettable moments and fun for all ages. Come and experience the contagious energy of the carnival!

Exciting activities await you:

Original Samba Enredo of Bloco dos Mafagafos e dos Sabiás:
Enjoy the performance of the original Bloco dos Mafagafos e dos Sabiás’ Samba Enredo. Let yourself be carried away by the creative lyrics of Jorge Rein and the pulsating rhythm of the music by Altemir Oliveira (Xoko Oliveira). A production by Magali Hochberg and organised by Canto dos Mafagafos and Sabia Duvida Portuguese as a Heritage Language School for our Bailinho de Carnaval 2023.

Thrilling Choreography: Let’s sing and dance together!
Get ready to learn and dance to the rhythm of the Samba Enredo! Isabela Passaro and Magali Hochberg will lead a workshop with a simple and easy-to-learn choreography so everyone can dance along! Whether you’re a beginner or already have some moves, everyone is welcome to join in the pulsating rhythm of Carnaval!

Entertaining Carnaval Storytelling Performance:
Let your imagination run wild as you watch the performance of “A Formiga contabilista e sua poupança descontrolada” a hilarious Carnaval story in Portuguese written by Thais Braga, also known as MãeZona, and starring Isabela Passaro. Felisberto was a grumpy worker ant who took her accounting job very seriously. He didn’t like jokes, smiling, dancing, or company. To him, it was all a waste of time. His focus was on working and saving wealth in the Ant Bank. Felisberto was only ‘happy’ in his name… until he encountered Carnaval, and from that day on, everything changed!

Bloco dos Mafagafos e dos Sabiás’ Parade:
Come dressed up and join the parade with Bloco dos Mafagafos e dos Sabiás!

Carnaval Games:
The fun continues with a series of games inspired by the Carnaval spirit. Come have fun, make new friends, and share laughs and special moments.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to celebrate Carnaval in great style, right in the heart of London! Bring your family and friends to immerse themselves in a festive and multicultural atmosphere that will warm your hearts and create lasting memories. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Paraiso will participate in the dance procession at 2 pm and they will offer a FREE intro to Samba workshop for all families at 12:30 in the family village!


Mum and Son together  

Melina and Adrian recently moved to London. They are a Brazilian family from San Pablo and would like to read a book that is close to Adrian’s heart as it related to his migration story. The name of the book is ‘A carta de Hugo’.

O Urso Hugo Está Triste: Tony, Seu Melhor Amigo De Todo O Universo Se Mudou Para Bem Longe. E Ainda Por Cima Está Se Divertindo Muito Ao Lado De Seus Novos Amigos. Junte-Se A Hugo Em Uma Grande Aventura Para Entregar Uma Carta Muito Especial E Garantir Que A Amizade Entre Ele E Tony Seja Eterna, De Verdade!


We are so lucky to have a popular Brazilian author coming to the Carnavalito to ready 3 wonderful books. 

“A carta que transportava saudade” 
“The letter that carried longing” is a children’s book for children who cannot heal their missing
emotions with hugs! It playfully talks about “saudade”, the feeling of missing something or
someone, and helps open the way for this delicate dialogue. This theme is essential for
immigrant families and also has lived in times of pandemic and social isolation! We must work
this out with our children and make them understand and name this feeling.
Publisher: Aquarela Livros

” O que tem no escuro da noite?

What lurks in the dark of night? Does pitch hold so much mystery, or is it just our imagination
evolving along with fear?
This story revolves around what happens inside a child’s head at bedtime: creatively turn the
unknown into terror! Reality is very different and dull because there is no ghost wrapped in a
white sheet, a giant ferocious monster, or a witch with a large nose and extravagant hair.
The book opens up a chance for dialogue about the fear of the dark and all the reflections that
the night brings. Shall we read together and sleep in peace?
Publisher Ases da Literatura

“ Os mosquitos nos picam e a culpa é do Noé” 
This story began thousands of years ago, right after Noah built that giant ark to house animals
and escape the great flood on Earth! This version is told by humans, right? But I bet you’ve
never heard the animals’ performance through the eyes of mosquitoes! A brawl, a rumble!
I don’t even tell you, or instead, I do! Let’s understand everything that happened on that vessel
and have a good laugh together!
I’ll tell you one thing immediately: If mosquitoes bite us and annoy us with their buzzing, they
have a good reason: IT’S NOÉ’S BLAME!
Publisher: Inverso

Author Biography:
Thais Braga
Communicator, writer, Brazilian, living in London, married and mother of 8-year-old Aurora, not
precisely in that order! I have a blog about motherhood, MãeZona, in which I explore the subject
of motherhood with humour. Adding all platforms, we are more than 170 thousand people
exchanging experiences.
My imagination runs wild, and when it comes to writing and telling stories, I feel my heart beat
faster! My first book, “The Letter That Transported Longing”, was well received by readers and
their families, so I decided to continue this endeavour in the publishing market. This time,
publishing a children’s humour book, “The mosquitoes bite us, and It’s Noah’s Fault”, re-reading
one of the most extraordinary tales of humanity to make people laugh, create fun memories
involving literature, and help them develop critical thinkers. This book is running for the Jabuti
Award in Brazil this year.
My third book, just released, is about the fear of the night and the fourth, which is on the way,
will be about learning disabilities, aiming to help children struggling at school.
I am excited about our reading on the 20th, I will have my three books with me, and you can
choose which one we will read and discuss. We will also have art and craft activities connected
with the “Letter that transported longing” book.
Hope to see you there for a fun day!If you want to know a little more about my work:
Instagram: @maezonanoinsta
Facebook” @maezonanoface



Carnavalito Family Village

Latin Hub has teamed up with Carnaval del Pueblo to develop a new Family Village ‘Carnavalito’ to offer families a new  experience happening in Burgess Park this Sunday 20th of August starting 11 am! FREE ENTRY! 


Open registrations to sing in Karaoke Party and get free circus tickets! (First come first serve- 11:00 to 12:30 pm) 

Open registrations for Arts and Crafts Workshops (First come first serve- 11:00 to 3:00 pm) 

Spanish bookshop and face painting stands open (11:00 to 4:00 pm) 

Free henna tattoos for adults stand open (First come first serve- 11:00 to 4:00pm) 

NHS bus and Community tent open (First come first serve-11:00 to 4:00 pm) 

Football pitch opens (First come first serve-11:00 to 4 pm) Outside the gated area!!! 

SELCE stands opens: save money and the environment at once!  (First come first serve-11:00 to 4 pm)

Food stalls open for brunch!


Toddlers club and storytelling tent:  traditional Latin American nursery rhymes and dancing (11:30-12:00 pm) 

Brazil tent:  Thais Braga session ( 11:30 to 12:30 pm)   

Arts & crafts tent: Mosaic workshop for the family and Free drawing and painting for kids.  (11:00 to 3:30 pm) 


‘X’ tent: Eco games: learn about the environment while playing  coordinated by SELCE. (12:00 to 1:00 pm)  Trilingual! Spanish/Portuguese and English 

Toddlers club and storytelling tent: Storytelling time: reading of a book in Spanish (12:00 to 12:30 pm) – Spanish 


Toddlers club and storytelling tent: Various activities: playdough, small world, messy play. (12:30 to 1:30 pm) Bilingual Spanish/English 

Brazil tent: Intro to Samba workshop by Paraiso School of Samba (12:30 to 1:00 pm) Bilingual Portuguese/English 


Salsathon Stage: Karaoke Party. Come and sing along with your favourite Latin songs!  (1:00 to 1:30pm) – Trilingual! Spanish/Portuguese and English 

1:30 pm  

Toddlers club and storytelling tent:  reading of book in English (1:30 to 2:00 pm)- Bilingual Spanish/English 

Brazil tent: Melina and Adrian read a Brazilian book called  ‘A carta de Hugo’ that reflects on the impact of migration on children (1:45 to 2:00 pm) – Portuguese 

X Tent :Collage workshop (1:00 to 2:00 pm) 

2:00 pm  

‘X’ tent  Andean instruments and music workshop by Johnny F Rodriguez @Kausary (2:00 to 3:00 pm) – Bilingual Spanish/English 

Brazil tent: Canto dos Mafagafos and Sabia Duvida will coordinate interactive kids entertainment with fun activities including games, fancy dress, songs and dance  ( 2:00 to 3:00 pm)- Portuguese 

Toddlers club and storytelling tent: Circle time: traditional Latin American nursery rhymes and dancing ( 2:00 to 2:30pm) – Bilingual Spanish/English 

3:00 pm

‘X’ tent: Piñata and big Puppets visit including Paddington, Peter Rabbit  and ‘El Cuye’ (3:00 to 3:30 pm) 


‘X’ tent : Pub Quiz,  test your knowledge on Latin American facts and will get a £50 voucher to be redeemed in a food stall  ( 3:30 a 4:00 pm)  Trilingual! Spanish/Portuguese and English 


‘Arts and Craft’ tent:  Collage workshop (4:00 to 5 pm) Bilingual Spanish/English .5 pm announcement of the winner of the ALAS Competition. 


4:30 pm 

Outside the gated area in the football pitch: Kicking competition. Give it your best shot and win a voucher of £50 to have the most delicious meal at Street Food Brazil!  (4:30 to 5:00 pm) Trilingual! Spanish/Portuguese and English


Storey Telling Tent

A FREE story telling tent hosted by Piñata Bookstore Volunteers will read books in English Spanish and Portuguese. 

Age:  2 to 18

Time: Book shop will be open from 10 to 4 pm. Stories programme to be confirmed




                              Toddler’s Club 

                              FREE toddlers club, where the little ones (0-4)  can play in a safe environment and engage in games and songs. Kindly sponsored by Tia Ana Nursery Parents are required to stay. 

11:30-12:00-Circle time: traditional Latin American nursery rhymes and dancing

12:00-12:30- Storytelling time: reading of a book in Spanish

12:30-13:30-Various activities: playdough, small world, messy play

13:30-14:00-Story telling time: reading of book in English

14:00-14:30-Circle time: traditional Latin American nursery rhymes and dancing

14:30-15:00-Various activities: play-dough, small world, messy play



Arts & Crafts

FREE arts and crafts throughout the day for kids to express their creativity and enter ALAS arts competition!

Latin Hub wants to create a public mural in Maldonado Walk that will include ALAS (wings) and in some ways, represents the Latin American community in the UK. This is a co-creation with the community and some of the designs that come out from these workshops will be included in the final ‘feathers’ of the winds of the public mural.

Age: 3 to 15 Time: 11 am to 4 pm

Supported by United Saviours 






Mini Football

Free mini football games for boys and girls! 

Age: 3 to 16

Time: 11 to 4 pm

Prize kindly sponsored by Brazilian Street Food





FEE karaoke party!  Kids and youth will get to sing their favourite songs in Spanish and Portuguese. Slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you want to secure a slot you can email   

Age: all ages

Time: 12:45 pm






No Latin American party can take place without a Piñata!  Make sure you don’t miss this fun tradition that extends from Mexico to Argentina. 

Age: 2 to 12 pm 

Time:  3 pm






Falamos portugues 🙂 

We are so happy to have a record number of Brazilian participants in the Carnival this year including Paraiso School of Samba, Street Food Brazil, Canto dos Mafagafos y Mae Zona.  Join our Brazilian tent for bilingual storytelling, samba workshops, singing and games! 

Find out more here.







Collage & Mosaic Workshops

FREE mosaic workshops! Families can get together to produce a work of art that will be part of a public mural, to be displayed in Elephant and Castle. Supported by Mayor of London. Untold Stories

FREE collage workshops where participants will draw and stick colours and images which are relevant to them and their cultural heritage. Supported by Julio Cesar Osorio  @juliocesartist8 

Age: Everyone ! — Time: 11 am to 4 pm



Dance Workshops

FREE dance workshops for the whole family (beginners) . Come and learn some salsa, samba or folklore! 

Age: Everyone !

Time: All day

Supported by SalsaTeca, Paraiso School of Samba,






Face Painting

Face painting for kids and adults all ages. Will you choose animals, flowers or your country’s flag? 

Age: Everyone

Time: 11 to 4 pm






Andean Music Workshop

FREE workshops to learn to play and make Andean instruments by Johnny F Rodrigez @Kausary

Ages: Everyone!

Time: 2 pm

Supported by Jhonny Kausary from @KausaryFusion One of the best Andean bands in Europe.




Food served from 11 am !

This year Carnaval del Pueblo has double it’s efforts to be able to offer high quality food that represents the diverse Latin American Cuisine at affordable prices.

Sunday brunch can include empanadas, arepas, pupusas, tacos, menestra,  stake sandwiches, churros, ceviche, caldo de manguera, milanesas, cachapas, llapingacho, vegan food, cachapas, chorizos, halal food and more. 





Henna Tattoos

FREE henna tattoos to experiment art in our bodies. 

Age: adults only 

Time: 11 a 4 pm

Supported by BLAS-Bolivian Latin Age Association




Health Advice

FREE NHS bus that will deliver #PrimaryCare #BloodPressure #WeightManagement #BreastScreening #StopSmoking #MentalHealth #SafeClinics #Vaccinations  #DrugAlchoolismRecovery #HealthyStartProgramme #SouthwarkWellBeingHub   

Age: everyone!

Time: 11 am to 4 pm

Coordinated by NHS -Partnership Southwark with the participation of Change Glow Charity  





Board Games

Like board games? You can borrow one of our board games including chess and scrabble. 

Age: everyone!

Time: until 3 pm





Community Tent

FREE Community Tent where visitors can learn about the services available such as housing, employment, community kitchens or benefit advice. Participating charities include LEYES, Latin American House, Aymara, Latin American Disabled Peoples Project, and more!  

Age: everyone!

Time: 10 am – 3 pm




Fun Fair

Ramp up your adrenaline in our fun fair! A wide variety of activities to keep all family members entertained. 

Age:  Varies

Time: All day






Pub Quiz

Test your knowledge on Latin American culture, sports and geography in a pub quiz and you may win some prices!  Coordinated by APARU. Asociación de Profesionales Argentinos en el Reino Unido

Age: Everyone!

Time: 3:30 pm





You could win:

A Flight to any Latin American destination thanks to the generous donation of Soliman Travel . Over the past 35 years they have taken thousands of satisfied clients to the region, from Mexico all the way down to Antarctica and looked after them while they’ve been there.

Three signed t-shirts donated by FIFA from profession football players.

Age: Adults only

Time: to be confirmed


Save money and help the planet at the same time! 

One-to-one FREE, expect, independent energy saving advice from SELCE . SELCE helps people who are struggling with their energy bills, households who want to invest in greening their property, and organisations that are looking to become more sustainable.

#EnergyDebt #EnergyDiscounts #EnergyGrants #EnergySavingTips #SaveWater

Kids can also learn playing at The Guessing Game (how do I save more) or fight against contamination villains in a Tug of War.

Age:  Everyone! Time: 11 am to 4 pm



And this is just Carnavalito !

Click on the Carnaval del Pueblo programme below 



Sin Fronteras Project [EC1Y] [SE5]

” Sin Fronteras (No Limits) es un proyecto de apoyo a mujeres jóvenes latinoamericanas entre 14 y 21 años viviendo en Londres.” By Lawrs