LatAm immigrants are well-educated with almost 51% having attained tertiary level/university education, higher than the London average where 34% hold higher level qualifications. However, a quarter of workers work in low-paid jobs and are overqualified for their roles. We face legal and language barriers, among others, that have prevented us from working in our chosen profession. Consequently some ‘end up’ as traders as a last resort to secure their livelihoods and avoid exploitative working conditions mostly in the hospitality and cleaning industries. However, the last few years have been particularly challenging for traders.
Free & Certified Training
In our ‘Hub’ we have a professionals and business section where we offer free and accredited online training and professional advise for those considering a particular career or trade but do not know where to start. Users can enhance their skills to secure employment or to generate alternative income with online sales, to mitigate the impact of lock-down and market closures.
All training is in English and Spanish and independently certified by CPD. We promote the Spanish language in educational institutions as well as funded opportunities to train as Spanish teachers.
E-courses will be available by April 2022 and they will cover the following areas:
Business planning and access to finance: the fundamentals of business planning, designing and presenting your business model, legal structures, market research and managing finances for non-financial people. Funding your idea and accessing other business support.
Digital marketing: planning and executing your strategy, creating your website and social media channels, tactics to increase traffic to your website; E-commerce; Customer service, email marketing and CRM; Social media optimisation (SMO) and content marketing?
Digital skills: GDPR compliance and minimising data breach risks. Digital skills for working remotely, CRMs, online events, data visualisation and much more. Online safeguarding. Focus on digital marketing.
Social entrepreneurship: Understanding social enterprises and the UK landscape, identifying specific opportunities for the sector (social procurement and investment) and proving your social or environmental impact. Social enterprises and community-based marketing.
Oral history (available): oral history theory and practice, collection and recording of oral histories, capturing and archiving heritage, understanding memory, user-led research methods, learning to use video and audio, transcript to script, interview techniques and other qualitative research methods, archiving, campaigning and social policy.